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/* xlsubr - xlisp builtin function support routines */
/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
All Rights Reserved
Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
#include "xlisp.h"
/* external variables */
extern NODE *k_test,*k_tnot,*s_eql;
extern NODE ***xlstack;
/* xlsubr - define a builtin function */
char *sname; int type; NODE *(*subr)();
NODE *sym;
/* enter the symbol */
sym = xlsenter(sname);
/* initialize the value */
/* xlarg - get the next argument */
NODE *xlarg(pargs)
NODE **pargs;
NODE *arg;
/* make sure the argument exists */
if (!consp(*pargs))
xlfail("too few arguments");
/* get the argument value */
arg = car(*pargs);
/* move the argument pointer ahead */
*pargs = cdr(*pargs);
/* return the argument */
return (arg);
/* xlmatch - get an argument and match its type */
NODE *xlmatch(type,pargs)
int type; NODE **pargs;
NODE *arg;
/* get the argument */
arg = xlarg(pargs);
/* check its type */
if (type == LIST) {
if (arg && ntype(arg) != LIST)
xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
else {
if (arg == NIL || ntype(arg) != type)
xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
/* return the argument */
return (arg);
/* xlevarg - get the next argument and evaluate it */
NODE *xlevarg(pargs)
NODE **pargs;
NODE ***oldstk,*val;
/* create a new stack frame */
oldstk = xlsave(&val,NULL);
/* get the argument */
val = xlarg(pargs);
/* evaluate the argument */
val = xleval(val);
/* restore the previous stack frame */
xlstack = oldstk;
/* return the argument */
return (val);
/* xlevmatch - get an evaluated argument and match its type */
NODE *xlevmatch(type,pargs)
int type; NODE **pargs;
NODE *arg;
/* get the argument */
arg = xlevarg(pargs);
/* check its type */
if (type == LIST) {
if (arg && ntype(arg) != LIST)
xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
else {
if (arg == NIL || ntype(arg) != type)
xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
/* return the argument */
return (arg);
/* xltest - get the :test or :test-not keyword argument */
NODE **pfcn; int *ptresult; NODE **pargs;
NODE *arg;
/* default the argument to eql */
if (!consp(*pargs)) {
*pfcn = getvalue(s_eql);
*ptresult = TRUE;
/* get the keyword */
arg = car(*pargs);
/* check the keyword */
if (arg == k_test)
*ptresult = TRUE;
else if (arg == k_tnot)
*ptresult = FALSE;
xlfail("expecting :test or :test-not");
/* move the argument pointer ahead */
*pargs = cdr(*pargs);
/* make sure the argument exists */
if (!consp(*pargs))
xlfail("no value for keyword argument");
/* get the argument value */
*pfcn = car(*pargs);
/* if its a symbol, get its value */
if (symbolp(*pfcn))
*pfcn = xleval(*pfcn);
/* move the argument pointer ahead */
*pargs = cdr(*pargs);
/* xlgetfile - get a file or stream */
NODE *xlgetfile(pargs)
NODE **pargs;
NODE *arg;
/* get a file or stream (cons) or nil */
if (arg = xlarg(pargs)) {
if (filep(arg)) {
if (arg->n_fp == NULL)
xlfail("file not open");
else if (!consp(arg))
xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
return (arg);
/* xllastarg - make sure the remainder of the argument list is empty */
NODE *args;
if (args)
xlfail("too many arguments");
/* eq - internal eq function */
int eq(arg1,arg2)
NODE *arg1,*arg2;
return (arg1 == arg2);
/* eql - internal eql function */
int eql(arg1,arg2)
NODE *arg1,*arg2;
if (eq(arg1,arg2))
return (TRUE);
else if (fixp(arg1) && fixp(arg2))
return (arg1->n_int == arg2->n_int);
else if (floatp(arg1) && floatp(arg2))
return (arg1->n_float == arg2->n_float);
else if (stringp(arg1) && stringp(arg2))
return (strcmp(arg1->n_str,arg2->n_str) == 0);
return (FALSE);
/* equal - internal equal function */
int equal(arg1,arg2)
NODE *arg1,*arg2;
/* compare the arguments */
if (eql(arg1,arg2))
return (TRUE);
else if (consp(arg1) && consp(arg2))
return (equal(car(arg1),car(arg2)) && equal(cdr(arg1),cdr(arg2)));
return (FALSE);